3 min readSep 2, 2022


SEP 02. China may extend COVID LOCKDOWN to March, 2023.

FED is making their way to the direction they want for sure. Some economic indicators are showing clearly that US economy is slowing down.

Today’s highlight was the job market report in the USA.

To make it all short, people got more jobs than expected in August but the unemployment rate was up to 3.7%.

Is this right direction or wrong? Who could answer that easily? But the US economy is slowing down for sure.

Now, the only big economic indicator in the market is Aug’s CPI numbers before FOMC meeting in Sep 22.

Until then, financial and equity markets could be all around the places.

Squaring off, evening out were the key words for today’s market for the long weekend in the US markets.

There is no market on next Monday as the Labor day in the USA.

DJ Index was downed by 1.1%, S&P 500 index was downed by 1.1% and NASDAQ was downed by 1.3% today.

US stocks market has been down closed for the three weeks in a row.

Apple was downed by 1.4%, Amazon was downed by 0.2%, MS was downed by 1.7% and Tesla…




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