MAY 24. USA is losing hegemoni…

4 min readMay 24, 2023

US politicians failed to make progress on US debt ceiling issue, meantime, China and Russia have signed on bunch of more economical bonds between two countries, Congo decided to give more portions of Copper and Cobalt to China. Two great countries are making noises everywhere.

USA is becoming outcast fast these days…

US stock markets have been downed one more days as US politicians failed to make agreement on debt ceiling issues. It seems like US is losing its momentum to stand as the good example of overcome inflations.

Money players can notice these kind of changes so easily.

DJ index was downed by 0.8%, S&P 500 Index was downed by 0.8% and NASDAQ index was downed by 0.9% today. Debt issue is becoming serious country risk quickly.

Apple was up by 0.2%, Amazon was up 1.5% but MS was downed by 0.5% and Tesla was downed by 1.5% today.

Chinese are not doing any better either but they’re going in same direction, at least, which USA is not.




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