MAY 12. China is manipulating its exchange rate to the US dollar…

3 min readMay 12, 2022
Beijing street, the Chinese government denied its lockdown on Beijing

Those worries of high inflations, rising interest rates, and energy supply fears are the main driving forces of global volatile markets.

Global stock values are dropping fast, not hitting the 18-month low. About 20% of global equity values were gone since the first day of the year 2022.

Beijing markets are empty…

Chinese is manipulating its exchange rates against US Dollar to keep its exports in good shape.

Chinese RMB slid to a 19-month low now. For the last 45 days, the RMB has been 8.5% devaluated against the US Dollar, which is impossible unless the Chinese want to.

But, the US needs cheaper Chinese imports anyway to keep their inflations going down anyway. Well, still, the USA is printing out their money whenever and whatsoever.

Meantime, China is officially denying lockdowns in Beijing. Well, Beijing people are in full mode of panic buying everything. Why their own government is lying to their people? Oh…sorry.. It happens everywhere and every day, right?




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