MAR 22. FED raise the rate anyway…

3 min readMar 23, 2023

FED raised the rate as expected, 0.25% this time. Powell added to that “ Will focus on the inflations more” It means that FED wouldn’t really care about the current bank crisis anymore and today, US Treasury announced that “WILL NOT INSURE ALL DEPOSITS”

It looks like, US governments and FED have decided what to do on this bank crisis.. They will do same thing as Swiss government did on Credit Swiss.

Let big banks eats up troubled small banks one by one and government back them up with people’s tax money.

Very Americanized solution it is!! WOW

US stock market was downed big today because investors finally got idea what FED and US Government would do next. Yes, tighten the money supply more to kill the inflations.

DJ Index was downed by 1.6%, S&P 500 Index was downed by 1.6% and NASDAQ Index was downed by 1.6% today.

Investors might feel betrayed on Powell’s comment about the inflations. As Elon commented yesterday, many…




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