JAN 20. BOJ, stay thier own paths…

3 min readJan 21, 2023

Bank Of Japan said they will keep ultra-easy money policy for a while amid of their high inflations. It seems like US wouldn’t allow Japan to tighten up. Who knows who’s behind but it’s not easy to understand that why Japanese people have to suffer, for whom? Anyway, Japan will be remained as the only country in the world, keep the zero interest rate.

US dollar recovered huge from the 3 months bottom against Japanese Yen today.

US Stock market was rallying big with OVER SOLD ideas and another big restructuring of big IT companies.

Netflix and Google were leading today’s rallies. Google is going to fire 12,000 workers, with that decision, their stock price was jumping up 5.4% today. Netflix was up another 8.5% as well.

DJ Index was up 1.0%, S&P 500 Index was up 1.9% and NASDAQ Index was up 2.7% as well.

Apple was up 1.9%, MS was up 3.6%, Amazon was up 3.8% and Tesla was up 4.9%.




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