AUG 11. Don’t cry for me, Argentina…

3 min readAug 12, 2022

It was the day of the debate. Are we in the bear market or bull market?

When we see 20% of the rally from the recent low, we could call that a BULL MARK, ET, and if we see that 20% fall from the recent top, we could call that a BEAR MARKET. So, where are we at the moment?

Russians keep attacking Ukraine, China keeps doing military exercises over Taiwan and USA is still fighting inflation.

US stock market mostly retreated from the recent rallies today. DJ Index was up 0.1% but S&P 500 index was downed by 0.1% and NASDAQ index was downed by 0.6% today.

Investors are still concerned about the next FOMC meeting in Sep with another big hike in the rate, more than 0.50%. Apple was downed by 0.4%, MS was downed by 0.7%, Amazon was downed by 1.4% and Tesla was downed by 2.6% today.

So far, the NASDAQ index was downed by 21% from the last high in Nov 2021 but recently, recovered 20% from the recent low in Jun. S&P 500 Index showed similar tunes, up 15% from the last low in Jun.

So, are we in the BULL market or are we still in the BEAR market?




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